Men's Health

Kidneys hologram

man with physicianIs it time to see a urologist? If you are a man dealing with bladder issues such as urinary incontinence or chronic infections, an urologist can help you get the right treatment and enjoy life again.

Too often men can believe urologic and fertility conditions are an embarrassing part of aging. However, there are effective medical and surgical therapies that can address these issues, improve men’s health and make their lives better.

Urologists can help many men with erectile dysfunction, which can be a sign of impending cardiovascular disease, and low testosterone levels achieve more satisfying sexual function.

Prostate health is also important to quality of life. Urologists offer screening and diagnosis to treatment with minimally invasive and robotic procedures. They can help with such conditions as prostate, testicular and penile cancer; congenital abnormalities of male urinary or reproductive organs; and injury, inflammation or infection of male urinary or reproductive organs.

Our locations include: Mercy Fitzgerald in Darby, Pa., Nazareth Hospital in Northeast Philadelphia, Saint Francis Hospital in Wilmington, Del., and St. Mary Medical Center in Langhorne, Pa.