Where to Go

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Your Family Doctor, Urgent Care or Emergency Department – Where Should You Go?

When you need care, it is important that you seek the appropriate level of care for your needs. Doing so ensures you receive the appropriate care, are seen in a timely manner and are charged the appropriate amount for the level of care you need.

Dial 9-1-1 immediately for any medical problem that appears life-threatening.
Your Doctor’s Office
For care and treatment of non-urgent issues

For most medical concerns, contact your primary care doctor first. Your doctor is most familiar with your medical history and can give routine care and treatment when it is not an emergency.

Well Visits Preventive Care Immunizations or Shots Diabetes icon Rashes Cold and Flu GI Issues High BP Tooth Pain Sore Throat Pink Eye Back Pain Insect Bite Urinary Tract Infection Pelvic Wellness

Urgent Care
For immediate needs, but not life-threatening

Urgent care can treat any health problem where you need to be seen quickly, but it is not an emergency.

Urgent Care has evening and weekend hours when your primary care doctor may not be available.


Sprains and Strains Stitches Rashes icon Cold and Flu Tooth Pain Sore Throat Pink Eye Back Pain Insect Bite Urinary Tract Infection Ear Pain


Emergency Care
For any life or death emergency or urgent afterhours need (24/7)

When you are having a life-threatening emergency, call 911. You should follow up with your primary care doctor after a visit to an emergency room.


Allergic Reactions Babies Immediate Care Chest Pain Severe Burns Seizures icon Eye Head Injuries Stroke Symptoms Abdominal Pain Broken Bones Rapid Bleeding Heart Attack High Fevers Breathing Problems Drug Overdose Bad Falls

Find a COVID-19 testing site

No COVID Testing at Emergency Departments

Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic Emergency Departments are NOT public COVID testing sites. You should NOT come to the emergency department with mild COVID symptoms or for COVID testing. If you have serious symptoms like a high fever, trouble breathing, or chest pain, please call 9-1-1 or immediately go to the emergency department for care.