Financial Assistance

In the spirit of our mission to serve together in the spirit of the Gospel as a compassionate and transforming healing presence within our communities, we are committed to providing healthcare services to all patients based on medical necessity.
For patients who require financial assistance or who are experiencing temporary financial hardship, we offer several assistance and payment options, including charity and discounted care, short term and long term payment plans and online patient portal payment capabilities.
We extend discounts to all uninsured patients who receive medically necessary services. Uninsured discount amounts are based on Federal Poverty Income guidelines. All medically necessary services provided to uninsured patients quality for uninsured discounts. The discount is also available to patients whose financial situation normally would not otherwise qualify them for discounts.
Patients without insurance whose financial situation qualifies them for discounts must first find out if they are eligible for Medicaid before applying for financial assistance. If a person is denied Medicaid, then he or she must provide information to show financial need. The amount of the payment discount provided is based on a person’s financial eligibility.
Cosmetic services and other elective procedures and services that are not deemed medically necessary are not eligible for financial support.
Patients who cannot pay some or all of their financial responsibility may qualify for short-term or long-term payment plans. Our short-term payment plan is interest-free and patient balances must be paid in full within 90 days. Longer term interest-bearing plans are available through Access One for those patients who cannot pay their balances within 90 days.
A 100% discount for medically necessary services is available to patients who earn 200% or less of the Federal Poverty Income guidelines. Individuals who earn between 200% and 400% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines are eligible for a partial discount equal to the Medicare discount rate.
Discounts are also available for those patients who are facing catastrophic costs associated with their medical care. Catastrophic costs occur when a patient’s medical expenses for an episode of care exceed 20% of their family or household annual income.
Discounts may be denied if patients are eligible for other funding sources such as a Health Insurance Exchange plan or Medicaid eligibility and refuse or are unwilling to apply for these funding sources.
To apply for financial assistance, please complete and submit the application found on this website. A complete version of the Financial Assistance Policy is also available on this website.
Copies of the application, plain language summary, and complete policy can be obtained free of charge from a financial counselor at the hospital where care was received or requested by mail through the patient access department of the hospital where care was received. These documents are also available in the language of any population consisting of ten percent or more of the community population the hospital serves.
Financial counselors are available to work with patients in completing financial assistance applications to determine what financial assistance is available. This includes assessing eligibility for Medicaid and Health Insurance Exchange plans.
Patients may contact a financial counselor in the patient access department at the hospital where treatment was received, who can assist in determining qualifications for financial assistance.
Please see the table below for telephone numbers and locations of the financial counselors at the hospital where treatment was received. financial counselors can also provide free copies of the financial assistance policy, application, and plain language summary.
The Affordable Care Act, sometimes referred to as Obamacare, requires that everyone legally living in the U.S. to have health insurance. It also gives millions of individuals with too little or no insurance, access to health plans at different cost levels. Access to these plans is called the Health Insurance Marketplace. The law also provides financial assistance to those who qualify based on family size and income. Please see visit for more information.