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Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, instructions for preparing for surgery and visiting policies have changed. 


When you and your doctor decide that surgery is your best option, you will need to prepare mentally and physically to get the best results. Knowing what to expect is important to achieve the best possible outcome.

Before surgery

  • Your doctor will do a complete physical exam to be sure that you are not experiencing any conditions that will negatively affect the surgical outcome. Routine tests, including blood tests and X-rays, may be necessary and will usually be administered about a week before surgery.
  • Be sure to discuss any medications you are taking with the surgeon and your regular doctor, because it may be necessary to discontinue certain medications before surgery.
  • Ask questions about preparing for potential blood replacement, including donating your own blood to be used if needed.
  • Depending on the surgery, your doctor may recommend a weight loss program before surgery if you are overweight to help achieve the best result.
  • If you take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications, discuss with your doctor when or if you need to stop them before surgery.
  • If you smoke, doctors recommend that you stop or cut down to reduce your surgery risks and improve recovery.
  • Remember to eat a well-balanced diet.
  • It is very important to report any infections to the surgeon. Surgery cannot be performed until you are infection free.

After surgery

  • It is important to plan for recovery after surgery. Arrange to have someone to help out with everyday tasks like cooking, shopping and laundry. Some doctors recommend that patients arrange a short stay in an extended care or rehab facility during the recovery period. Discuss this with your doctor and your insurance company.
  • Preparation is key. Think about items that are used often and put them within easy reach before surgery to prevent having to reach and bend as often. Ask your doctor if there are special tools you might need to help you when you get home, so that you can get them before your surgery.
  • Avoid any tripping hazards. Remove all loose carpets and tape down electrical cords to avoid falls.