Pacemaker Implantation

rhythm strip

Without treatment, a slow or irregular heart rate can lead to weakness, confusion, dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath and even death. A pacemaker is a small, artificial electrical device that helps set the pace at which your heart beats. Most pacemakers have a sensing device that turns the device off and on as needed--off when the heartbeat is too fast and on when it is too slow.

How does pacemaker implantation work?

Pacemaker implantation is a minor procedure requiring only mild sedation and a local anesthetic; patients are generally not put to sleep.

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A small, approximately 2-inch incision is made parallel to and just below the collarbone. Your doctor inserts a thin flexible wire into a vein that lies just under the collarbone. The doctor advances the wire through that vein into the heart and attaches it to your heart tissue and tests it. The other end of the pacer wires are connected to a “generator” that is implanted under the skin beneath the collarbone. This generator is about half an inch deep and one and a half inches wide.

Do pacemaker batteries wear out?

The pacemaker contains batteries that will wear down over time, just like any electronic device. Most batteries last at least five years. Using a special analyzer, the doctor can detect the first warning that the batteries are running down. A sudden major slowing down of your heart rate, which you may detect, indicates a more serious problem. If that occurs, call your doctor.

If I have a pacemaker, are there electrical devices to avoid?

Yes. Keep the following potential sources of strong electrical or magnetic fields at least 30 cm (12 inches) away from your pacemaker.

  • Large stereo speakers
  • Strong magnets
  • Magnetic bingo wands
  • Magnetic wands and detectors used in airport security
  • Industrial equipment like power generators/arc welders
  • Avoid leaning over running engines
  • Many amusement park rides have strong magnets and should be avoided.
  • Talk on your cell phone using your ear opposite the pacemaker placement