Mission, Vision & Core Values

Health care


We, Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic, serve together in the spirit of the Gospel as a compassionate and transforming healing presence within our communities.


As a mission-driven regional health ministry, we will become the recognized leader in improving the health of our communities and each person we serve. We will be known as the most trusted health partner for life.

Core Values

Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic is motivated by faith in a merciful God, and works to actualize that faith. We are guided by these core values:

We honor the sacredness and dignity of every person.

Commitment to Those Experiencing Poverty 
We stand with and serve those who are experiencing poverty, especially those most vulnerable.

We foster right relationships to promote the common good, including sustainability of Earth.

We honor our heritage and hold ourselves accountable for the human, financial and natural resources entrusted to our care.

We are faithful to who we say we are.

We embrace a culture that prevents harm and nurtures a healing, safe environment for all.