Quiz: Are You Afraid of Falling?

patient learning balance

Take the balance quiz and make a note of how many you have checked.

  • I am over 65 years old.
  • I am afraid of falling.
  • I am less active than I was a year ago.
  • I have trouble going up and down stairs, dressing and/or getting in and out of the car.
  • I sometimes feel “dizzy” or “off balance.”
  • I use a cane, walker or crutches to walk or I hold onto walls/furniture.
  • I have fallen in the past year.
  • I am taking more than five (5) medications.
  • My vision and/or my hearing is not as good as it should be.
  • I have or have had: Low blood pressure, stroke, a neurological disorder such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis.

If you answered yes to three or more questions, you may benefit from a balance evaluation from one of our licensed physical therapists.

Ask your doctor. Call 215.335.3954 for more information about the Balance Program at Nazareth Center for Physical Therapy, Rehab and Balance, or call 610.237.4248 to learn more about the Mercy Fitzgerald Hearing and Balance Center.