September is Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month—an observance to raise awareness of a common heart rhythm disorder.

Afib ECGWhile some rhythm abnormalities are common and often non-threatening, “atrial fibrillation (AFib) can lead to congestive heart failure, lightheadedness, fainting or result in premature death,” says Steven Kutalek, MD, a Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic Medical Group electrophysiologist.

Other symptoms of AFib include heart palpitations, weakness and fatigue.

AFib affects the electrical activity of the heart muscle, which cardiac electrophysiologists diagnose and treat by obtaining a careful history, collecting data about the rhythm disorder and prescribing therapy for rhythm control.

“When diagnosing a rhythm disorder, our electrophysiologists may prescribe 2–4-week external monitoring, recommend an implantable monitor or perform an electrophysiology study,” Dr. Kutalek says.

There are several methods doctors will use to treat AFib, but the goal always remains the same—preventing blood clots in the heart to avoid a stroke. Treatment usually involves taking a daily blood thinner, though an implantable umbrella-like device to prevent clots from escaping the heart may benefit some patients.

Treatment is based on the type of arrhythmia. For example, a catheter ablation is necessary in some cases.

“A catheter ablation involves mapping where the arrhythmia arises in the heart, followed by destroying the abnormal cells that cause it with heat energy or freezing,” Dr. Kutalek explains.

Additionally, sometimes, a patient needs a pacemaker or implantable cardiac defibrillator.

“These monitor the heart’s rhythm and then correct very slow or fast heart rhythm problems when they occur,” Dr. Kutalek states.

In addition to one of these previous treatment methods, often a physician will prescribe medication to control the rhythm.

No matter the diagnosis, Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic’s electrophysiology team provides specialized care to those experiencing the rapid, irregular heart rhythm caused by atrial fibrillation. Our patients can rest assured that our specialists will offer the most compassionate and best care possible.

Meet our experts and make an appointment today.