CARES (Community Aid Refurbished Equipment Store)
CARES is a community benefit that lends area residents refurbished medical equipment such as manual wheelchairs, walkers, canes, etc. Gently used medical equipment donated to CARES is sanitized, refurbished, and lent to those in need. CARES also accepts unopened packages of gloves and incontinence products. It is encouraged that recipients return the medical equipment to CARES to ensure the cycle of giving continues.
CARES accepts the following items:
- Wheelchairs
- Transport Chairs
- Rollators
- Knee Scooters
- Shower Seats
- Shower Benches
- Hip Kits
- Bed Rails
- Bed Tables
- Commodes
- Raised Toilet Seats
- Walkers
- Hemi Walkers
- Canes
- Crutches
- Wound Care Items
- Gloves
- Wipes